The original submission instructions for the final project deliverable required a demonstration of the application “prior to the last day of the semester.” Due to a number of issues, that expectation is not practical.

The following summarizes the revised expectations for the final project deliverables.

In-class presentation
You will present a 3-minute demonstration of your project in class during Lesson 40.
Project submission
You must submit an archive of your web application and a file that contains all the SQL commands to (re)create your database. The latter file may be “hand written” or a “dump” created by the database management system (DBMS), but must be readable by someone familiar with SQL. (If readable by you, then this criterion is likely satisfied.)

No late penalty will be assessed for submissions by 2300 on Sunday, 12 May.

Instructor demonstration
You will schedule a half-hour block to demonstrate your web application to the instructor. This demonstration must be no later than next Tuesday, 14 May. Expect to exercise all aspects of the application’s functionality during this presentation.