Due to today’s base closure and the cancellation of classes, the entity-relationship (ER) diagram for the project will be due next class meeting. I do not yet know if that will be Lesson 16 or if Lesson 15 will be rescheduled. Thus, I cannot provide a fixed date at this time.

Deadlines for future assignments (e.g., the schema design) are not being changed. Thus, I encourage everyone to submit their ER diagram today if possible so I can provide more timely feedback. That is, if you’ve already finished the ER diagram, then there’s no reason to wait, and being able to start grading them tomorrow will help me minimize the delay providing feedback to everyone. I do not anticipate any issues providing feedback at least one lesson in advance of the next deliverable, though.

Assuming today’s lesson is not rescheduled, you should work through one of the resources for learning the Structured Query Language (SQL), focusing on the basic syntax – i.e., SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses. Also note that today’s lesson includes a lesson from Select Star SQL and there are practice queries using the Mondial database to check your understanding. Unless the lesson is rescheduled, I will assume that you know the basic syntax when we next meet.

I hope that you all are able to enjoy the snow day!