In the absence of specific direction regarding yesterday’s classes, I’m assuming that the decision on how to accommodate the resiliency day is being left to course directors. Thus, here is the plan for this course:

You remain responsible for all the lesson material originally scheduled for this week. You may review it as time permits in the following week(s) with the exception of those activities that have concrete submission dates (e.g., the quiz and discussion posts). If you are pressed for time, then I suggest you ignore the activities marked “Optional” or contact me so we can discuss extensions on a case-by-case basis should any prove necessary.

The quiz for yesterday is now due tomorrow (Wednesday, 1 April), but I am not changing it on the course website. I expect you to take the quiz when you complete the AJAX lesson, but you now have two additional days before it is closed in Blackboard.

Do not forget about the web development programming exercise (PEX), which is due Lesson 28 (Tuesday, 7 April). I’ve added recommendations for what you should try to complete each lesson so you can pace yourself. Also note that a “pretty” website is only worth a few points compared to passing the automated tests; thus, your initial focus should be the site’s functional requirements and leave the CSS for later.