Indexing and B+ trees
Even moderately-sized databases cannot be stored entirely within memory (i.e., RAM), which necessitates the need for direct access to records. Like the index of a book, a database index maps keys (e.g., a student id) to the corresponding record. Unfortunately, a “simple linear index” is rarely practical so modern database management systems (DBMSs) use B+ trees and hash indexes to maximize performance.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the following techniques for locating a record:
- simple linear index
- B+ tree
- hashed file
- Compare the execution time and storage overhead of the aforementioned techniques
- Manipulate a B+ tree by inserting and deleting data
How to Complete this Lesson
- Read Fundamentals of Database Management Systems Chapter 8: Physical Database Design (60 minutes)
- Watch Overview of Indexing (9 minutes)
- Read the handout on B+ trees but do not attempt the practice exercises (5 minutes)
- Watch B+ Trees Basics 1 (4 minutes)
- Watch B+ Trees Basics 2 (9 minutes)
- Re-read the handout on B+ trees and complete the practice exercises (30–45 minutes)
- Watch B+ Tree Basics 3 (6 minutes)
- Recommended: Complete the optional homework on physical database design (45 minutes)
- Complete the short answer portion of the B+ tree
(30–45 minutes)
- Be sure to read the instructions for the entire assignment before starting