How to Complete this Lesson

Complete the following learning activities: (3.25 hours total)

  1. Review for the assessment (60 minutes)

    Identify gaps in your understanding of the material (e.g., by completing the handouts or optional homework assignments without referencing any resources and comparing your answers to the solutions). Then, review those topics where you had trouble or performed poorly.

  2. Preparation (15 minutes)
    1. Create and populate the DVD Rental database in your virtual machine (VM) using its database dump if the database does not already exist. The database dump contains SQL statements that will restore the database when the file is executed (e.g., by opening the file in pgAdmin’s Query Tool).
    2. Review the schema of the DVD rental database, including its ER diagram, to familiarize yourself with it.
    3. Download the solution file to complete during the assessment.
  3. Take the practice assessment (60 minutes)
  4. Take the assessment during the class meeting (60 minutes)


Authorized resources during the assessment are as follows:

Your laptop’s wireless network connection must be turned off during the in-class assessment.

Submission Instructions

When you complete the assessment, do the following:

  1. Save your solution file (save frequently throughout the assessment!)
  2. Return the assessment to your instructor
  3. Request permission from the instructor to enable your laptop’s wireless network connection
  4. Submit your solutions using the Learning Management System (LMS)