As part of the final project deliverable, you will complete a peer evaluation of everyone on your project team, including yourself. The purpose of this peer evaluation is two-fold. First, the feedback can be very helpful in identifying your strengths and areas in which to improve, particularly in preparation for capstone projects. Second, everyone should contribute significantly to the project, and peer evaluations are one way to verify that this has happened.

Scores from the peer evaluation will loosely serve as a “multiplier” on individuals’ scores – e.g., someone who has done half as much work will earn half as many points. Consideration will be given to group consensus: if everyone (including you!) agrees that you haven’t done much work, then the penalty will be more significant than if only one person on the team has that opinion.

As stated previously, the peer evaluation also includes a self-evaluation to ensure that everyone’s perspective is considered, especially when the feedback may influence grades. Your self-evaluation is critical when others don’t recognize (or don’t appreciate) the work that you might have done behind the scenes. In addition, significant differences are reconciled before determining how the feedback should affect an individual’s grade.

Expected duration
15 minutes
2300 on Lesson 40
Microsoft Forms