Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) was popularized in 2005 as a way to combine HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and to update web pages without reloading the entire page. Requests are made in the background and the page updated dynamically with retrieved data. In this lesson, you will learn how to use AJAX to dynamically update a web page.

AJAX logo

Learning Objectives

  • Use Ajax to modify the content of a web page to display data retrieved from a web server without reloading the page
  • Compare and contrast GET and POST requests

How to Complete this Lesson

Complete the following learning activities: (2.75–3.5 hours total)

  1. Read Getting Started from the Ajax developer guide (10–15 minutes)
  2. Attend the class meeting (60 minutes)
  3. Take the quiz (10 minutes)
  4. Work on the web development programming exercise (PEX) (90–120 minutes)
    • Add client-side form validation to the volunteer page

      Focus on manual testing – i.e., the form should not be submitted with invalid data. Passing the automated tests will come later.


As a reminder, the following is due this lesson:
